The project Layers of the Self-Organized City by Maj Horn is an ongoing research-based art project that explores new ways of mapping Aalborg’s social spaces and community economies by engaging with the city’s self-organizing culture, where groups and associations often meet in cultural houses. This event series is the first iteration of the project. The dialogues will take place on-site in the everyday social spaces and contexts of three organizations key to Horn’s investigation – 1000Fryd, The Greenlandic House, and Huset. Here the general public can meet Horn in conversation, chat with the users, and experience the spaces more organically - over a cup of coffee, a meal, or a drink.
Horn is collaborating with cultural houses that reflect a range of different communities in the Aalborg city center. With the different users of these organizations, she is seeking to create new images and knowledge about community building processes and commoning practices between these milieus and the public spheres of the city. Layers of the Self-Organized City include different methods of communication, texts, documentation, and on-site performative interventions that engage with different groups in both public and more intimate exchanges. The project’s broader aim is to understand and experiment with participatory and performative art practices in relation to particular spaces and places - in this instance, with self-organized communities experiencing a city in transition.
This project is made possible through the collaboration with 1000fryd, The Greenlandic House, and Huset.
Horn is collaborating with cultural houses that reflect a range of different communities in the Aalborg city center. With the different users of these organizations, she is seeking to create new images and knowledge about community building processes and commoning practices between these milieus and the public spheres of the city. Layers of the Self-Organized City include different methods of communication, texts, documentation, and on-site performative interventions that engage with different groups in both public and more intimate exchanges. The project’s broader aim is to understand and experiment with participatory and performative art practices in relation to particular spaces and places - in this instance, with self-organized communities experiencing a city in transition.
This project is made possible through the collaboration with 1000fryd, The Greenlandic House, and Huset.
Tuesday, 25th June:
1000Fryd from 5–7 pm
1000Fryd Café, Kattesundet 10, 9000 Aalborg
Wednesday, 26th June:
The Greenlandic House from 4–6 pm
Det Grønlandske Hus, Vesterbro 79, 9000 Aalborg
Thursday, 27th June:
Huset from 3–5 pm
Husets Café, Hasserisgade 10, 9000 Aalborg
Maj Horn (b. 1987, Esbjerg) lives and works in Copenhagen. In her work she is particularly involved in urban spaces and various forms of community, as she is engaged in exploring identities of places, knowledge sharing methods, and ownership strategies. She utilizes traditional artistic forms including photography, video, and installations, combined with procedural and performative actions such as workshops, walks, and dialogues. A method and theme that she has been working with since 2012 in the projects Maps for Copenhagen and Lost in Zagreb is to invite people with differing backgrounds and experiences to collectively examine and share knowledge about cities, their social codes, and economic layers. Both projects have involved larger groups of residents in mapping workshops, walks, and dialogues to build knowledge archives around the public space. Maj Horn graduated from The Funen Art Academy in 2014 and has recently exhibited at in Bratislava, Slovakia, Magic Carpets - A Creative Europe Platform, Zagreb, Croatia, and I: project space in Beijing, China in 2018. In 2019, she was awarded a Working Grant by the Danish Arts Foundation.